How To Have Better Sex – A Guide

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Having regular and amazing sex is every couples goal yet sometimes things don’t go according to plan. No matter how much you want to have a good time with your partner, your body is telling you otherwise.

The truth is that this is a common problem for a lot of people and there’s no reason to start panicking. First, you need to figure out what is preventing you from having great intercourse.

It could be stress, low testosterone level, a medical problem, anxiety, etc. It can also be a lack of communication between you and your partner. You can check out this link if you want to discover more helpful tips

It’s important to communicate your needs with your partner to figure out what works for him or her and what doesn’t. If yourae trying to get better at sex and spice things up in the bedroom, here are some helpful tips you can follow without having to use medications or talk to a sex therapist.

Here’s a few things you need to know.

Focus on foreplay

Believe it or not, penetration is not the most important part of sex, especially for women. So, if you want to ensure your partner has an amazing time, you need to step up your game and give her the best foreplay ever.

The great thing about foreplay is that it can be enjoyable for the both of you. You can focus more on touching, kissing and even oral sex. Also, pay attention to what your partner wants from you.

Communication is important during sex, as mentioned above. Once aroused enough, you will have no problem giving your partner the best experience possible. Read more here.

Try something new

Are you tired of repeating the same position over and over again? You’re probably not the only one. Having sex in the same old position can actually ruin the experience due to boredom.

If you notice that this is becoming a problem more frequently for you and your parent, maybe it’s time to try something new! There are some many positions you can try out to enhance the experience.

You can even do role-play and explore some of your favorite fantasies. Of course, your partner should be up for that as well. Exploring new things can definitely enhance the overall experience and make you not want to keep your hands to yourself.

Use toys

Sex toys are you best friends when it comes to intercourse and there’s no reason to feel threatened by them. What’s more, your partner will love it if one night you decide to surprise them with a vibrator, for example.

Use the toy to your advantage because it will make all the difference in the world. You can use it during foreplay and during penetration as well.

There are so many options available online, so take your pick! If you’ve been together for years with your loved one, it’s only logical to want to include toys in the mix as well.


We can’t stress this enough. Sex doesn’t look like what we see on movies and TV shows, so it’s essential to have realistic expectations before you indulge in it. Since each body is different, you need to figure out what works best for your partner.

So, if you want to get better in bed, you need to talk to your partner about your preferences and dislikes in the bedroom. Your loved one can offer certain tips on where you need to improve so you can start implementing them. This works vice-versa.

You need to be open with each other because otherwise, you’ll continue to do what she doesn’t like and end up making it worse.

Be confident

Sometimes confidence is key. If you’re confident in the way you have sex, there’s a higher chance your partner will enjoy the experience with you.

But to be confident, you need to do research as well. Discover what women want and practice until your partner is screaming your name in bed. There’s no shame in researching on how to improve your performance. What matters is that you and your partner have a mind-blowing experience.